The Devil's garden - two ill-favored ones
assault them - the Reliever - entertainment at the Interpreter's house - the
Significant Rooms - Christiana and Mercy's experience
Danger and a Protectoro I saw in my dream that they walked on in their
way, and had the weather very comfortable to them.
to sing, saying:
"Blest be the day that I began
A pilgrim for
to be;
And blessed also be that man
That thereto moved me.
true, 't was long ere I began
To seek to live for ever:
But now I run fast
as I can-
'T is better late, than never.
Our tears to joy, our fears
to faith,
Are turned, as we see:
Thus our beginning (as one
Shows what our end will be."
Now there was on the other side of the wall that fenced in
way up which CHRISTIANA and her companions were to go, garden; and that garden
belonged to him whose was that barking dog of whom mention was made before. And
some of the fruit trees that grew in that garden shot their branches over the
wall; and being mellow, they that found them did gather them up, and oft ate of
them to their hurt. So CHRISTIANA'S boys--as boys are apt to do--being pleased
with the trees, and with the fruit that did hang thereon, did pluck them, and
began to eat. Their mother did also chide them for so doing; but still the boys
went on.
"Well," said she, "my sons, you transgress; for that fruit is
none of ours." But she did not know that they did belong to the enemy; I'll
warrant you if she had, she would have been ready to die for fear. But that
passed, and they went on their way. Now by that they were gone about two bows'
shot from the place that let them into the way, they espied two very ill
favoured ones coming down apace to meet them. With that CHRISTIANA, and MERCY
her friend, covered themselves with their veils; and so kept on their journey.
The children also went on before; so that at last they met together. Then they
that came down to meet them came just up to the women as if they would embrace
them; but CHRISTIANA said, "Stand back, or go peaceably by, as you should." Yet
these two, as men that are deaf, regarded not CHRISTIANA'S words; but began to
lay hands upon them. At that CHRISTIANA, waxing very wroth, spurned at them with
her feet. MERCY also, as well as she could, did what she could to shift them.
CHRISTIANA again said to them, "Stand back, and be gone; for we have no money to
lose, being pilgrims, as ye see, and such too as live upon the charity of our
Ill-favoured Ones.
Then said one of the two men, "We make no assault upon
you for money; but are come out to tell you, that if you will but grant one
small request which we shall ask, we will make women of you for
Chris. Now CHRISTIANA, imagining what they should mean, made answer again, "We
will neither hear, nor regard, nor yield to what you shall ask. We are in
haste,---cannot stay; our business is a business of life and death." So again,
she and her companions made a fresh essay to go past them: but they hindered
them in their way.
Ones. "We intend no hurt to your lives; 'tis another
thing we would have."
Chris. "Aye," quoth CHRISTIANA, "you would
have us body and soul, for I know 'tis for that you are come; but we will die
rather upon the spot than suffer ourselves to be brought into such snares as
shall hazard our wellbeing hereafter." And with that they both shrieked out, and
cried, "Murder! murder!" and so put themselves under those laws that are
provided for the protection of women.
But the men still made their approach upon them, with design
to prevail against them; they therefore cried out again.
Now they being,
as I said, not far from the gate in at which they came, their voice was heard
from where they were, thither: wherefore some of the house came out, and knowing
that it was CHRISTIANA'S tongue, they made haste to her relief; but by that they
were got within sight of them, the women were in a very great scuffle, the
children also stood crying by. Then did he that came in for their relief call
out to the ruffians, saying, "What is that thing that you do? Would you make my
Lord's people to transgress?" He also attempted to take them; but they did make
their escape over the wall into the garden of the man to whom the great dog
belonged: so the dog became their protector. This RELIEVER then came up to the
women, and asked them how they did. So they answered, "We thank thy Prince,
pretty well, only we have been somewhat affrighted; we thank thee also for that
thou camest into our help, for otherwise we had been
Reliever. So after a few more words, this RELIEVER said as follows: "I marvelled
much when you were entertained at the gate above, seeing ye knew that ye were
but weak women, that you petitioned not the Lord there for a conductor. Then
might you have avoided these troubles and dangers; for he would have granted you
"Alas," said CHRISTIANA, "We were so taken with our present blessing, that
dangers to come were forgotten by us; besides, who could have thought that so
near the King's palace there should have lurked such naughty ones? Indeed, it
had been well for us had we asked our Lord for one; but since our Lord knew
'twould be for our profit, I wonder he sent not one along with
Rel. It
is not always necessary to grant things not asked for, lest by so doing, they
become of little esteem; but when the want of a thing is felt, it then comes
under, in the eyes of him that feels it, that estimate that properly is its due,
and so consequently will be thereafter used. Had my Lord granted you a
conductor, you would not neither so have bewailed that oversight of yours in not
asking for one as now you have occasion to do. So all things work for good, and
tend to make you more wary.
Chris. Shall we go back again to my Lord, and
confess our folly, and ask for one?
Rel. Your confession of your folly I will
present him with; to go back again, you need not. For in all places where you
shall come, you will find no want at all; for in everyone of my Lord's lodgings
which he has prepared for the reception of his pilgrims, there is sufficient to
furnish them against all attempts whatsoever. But, as I said, he will be
inquired of by them to do it for them;
and 'tis a poor thing that is not worth asking
When he had thus said, he went back to his place; and the pilgrims
went on their way.
Mer. Then said MERCY, "What a sudden blank is
here! I made account we had now been past all danger, and that we should never
see sorrow more."
Chris. "Thy innocency, my sister," said
CHRISTIANA to MERCY, "may excuse thee much; but as for me, my fault is so much
the greater, for that I saw this danger before I came out of the doors, and yet
did not provide for it, where provision might have been had. I am, therefore,
much to be blamed."
Mer. Then said MERCY, "How knew you this
before you came from home? Pray open to me this riddle."
Chris. Why, I will tell you.
Before I set foot out of doors, one night, as I lay in my bed, I had a dream
about this; for methought I saw two men, as like these as ever the world they
could look, stand at my bed's feet, plotting how they might prevent my
salvation. I will tell you their very words. They said ('twas when I was in my
troubles), "What shall we do with this woman; for she cries out, waking and
sleeping, for forgiveness? If she be suffered to go on as she begins, we shall
lose her as we have lost her husband." This, you know, might have made me take
heed and have provided when provision might have been had.
Mer. "Well," said MERCY, "as by
this neglect we have an occasion ministered unto us to behold our own
imperfections, so our Lord has taken occasion thereby to make manifest the
riches of his grace. For he, as we see, has followed us with unasked kindness;
and has delivered us from their hands that were stronger than we of his mere
good pleasure."
Welcome at the Interpreter's Househus now, when they had talked away a little more
time, they drew nigh to a house which stood in the way, which house was built
for the relief of pilgrims; as you will find more fully related in the first
part of these records of the "Pilgrim's Progress." So they drew on towards the
house (the house of the INTERPRETER); and when they came to the door, they heard
a great talk in the house. They then gave ear, and heard, as they thought,
CHRISTIANA mentioned by name; for you must know that there went along, even
before her, a talk of her and her children's going on pilgrimage: and this thing
was the more pleasing to them, because they had heard that she was CHRISTIAN'S
wife--that woman who was some time ago so unwilling to hear of going on
pilgrimage. Thus, therefore, they stood still; and heard the good people within
commending her who, they little thought, stood at the door. At last CHRISTIANA
knocked, as she had done at the gate before. Now when she had knocked, there
came to the door a young damsel named INNOCENT, and opened the door, and looked,
and behold two women were there.
Damsel. Then said the damsel to them, "With
whom would you speak in this place?"
Chris. CHRISTIANA answered, "We understand
that this is a privileged place for those that are become pilgrims, and we now
at this door are such; wherefore, we pray that we may be partakers of that for
which we at this time are come: for the day, as thou seest, is very far spent,
and we are loath tonight to go any farther."
Damsel. Pray what may I call your name, that I
may tell it to my Lord within?
Chris. My name is CHRISTIANA: I was the wife
of that pilgrim that some years ago did travel this way; and these be his four
children. This maiden also is my companion, and is going on pilgrimage
Innocent. Then ran INNOCENT in (for that was her name), and said to those within,
"Can you think who is at the door? There is CHRISTIANA and her children, and her
companion, all waiting for entertaining here."
Then they leaped for joy,
and went and told their master. So he came to the door, and looking upon her, he
said, "Art thou that CHRISTIANA whom CHRISTIAN, the good man, left behind him
when he betook himself to a pilgrim's life?"
Chris. I am that woman that was so hard
hearted as to slight my husband's troubles, and that left him to go on in his
journey alone, and these are his four children; but now I also am come, for I am
convinced that no way is right but this.
Interpreter. Then is fulfilled that which also
is written of the man that said to his son, "Go, work today in my vineyard;" and
he said to his father, "I will not," but afterwards repented and
Chris. Then said CHRISTIANA, "So be it: Amen. God make it a true saying upon
me; and grant that I may be found at the last of him in peace without spot and
Inter. "But why standest thou thus at the door? Come in, thou daughter of
Abraham; we were talking of thee but now, for tidings have come to us before how
thou art become a pilgrim. Come, children, come in; come, maiden, come in." So
he had them all into the house.
So when they were within, they were
bidden to sit down and rest; the which when they had done, those that attended
upon the pilgrims in the house came into the room to see them. And one smiled,
and another smiled, and they all smiled for joy that CHRISTIANA was become a
pilgrim. They also looked upon the boys; they stroked them over the faces with
the hand, in token of their kind reception of them; they also carried it
lovingly to MERCY, and bade them all welcome into their master's
Lessonsfter awhile--because supper was not ready--the
INTERPRETER took them into his significant rooms, and showed them what
CHRISTIAN, CHRISTIANA'S husband, had seen some time before. Here, therefore,
they saw the man in the cage; the man and his dream; the man that cut his way
through his enemies; and the picture of the biggest of them all; together with
the rest of those things that were then so profitable to CHRISTIAN.
done, and after these things had been somewhat digested by CHRISTIANA and her
company, the INTERPRETER takes them apart again, and has them first into a room
where was a man that could look no way but downwards, with a muck rake in his
hand. There stood also One over his head with a celestial crown in his hand, and
proffered to give him that crown for his muck rake; but the man did neither look
up nor regard, but raked to himself the straws, the small sticks, and dust of
the floor.
Then said CHRISTIANA, "I persuade myself that I know somewhat
the meaning of this; for this is a figure of a man of this world. Is it not,
good sir?"
Inter. "Thou hast said the right," said he: "and his muck rake doth show his
carnal mind. And whereas thou seest him rather give heed to rake up straws and
sticks, and the dust of the floor, than to what he says that calls to him from
above with the celestial crown in his hand, it is to show that heaven is but as
a fable to some, and that things here are counted the only things substantial.
Now, whereas it was also showed thee that the man could look no way but
downwards, it is to let thee know that earthly things, when they are with power
upon men's minds, quite carry their hearts away from God."
Chris. Then said CHRISTIANA,
"Oh, deliver me from this muck rake!"
Inter. "That prayer," said the INTERPRETER,
"has been lain by till 'tis almost rusty. 'Give me not riches'
is scarce the prayer of one of ten thousand. Straws, and
sticks, and dust, with most are the great things now looked after."
that MERCY and CHRISTIANA wept and said, "It is, alas ! too true."
the INTERPRETER had showed them this, he has them into the very best room in the
house (a very brave room it was); so he bade them look round about, and see if
they could find anything profitable there. Then they looked round and round; for
there was nothing there to be seen but a very great spider on the wall, and that
they overlooked.
Mer. Then said MERCY, "Sir, I see nothing."
But CHRISTIANA held her peace.
Inter. But said the INTERPRETER, "Look again."
She therefore looked again, and said, "Here is not anything but an ugly spider,
who hangs by her hands upon the wall." Then said he, "Is there but one spider in
all this spacious room?" Then the water stood in CHRISTIANA'S eyes, for she was
a woman quick of apprehension, and she said, "Yes, Lord, there is here more than
one; yea, and spiders whose venom is far more destructive than that which is in
her." The INTERPRETER then looked pleasantly upon her, and said, "Thou hast said
the truth." This made MERCY blush, and the boys to cover their faces; for they
all began now to understand the riddle.
Then said the INTERPRETER again,
"The spider takes hold with her hands," as you see, "and is in kings'
And wherefore is this recorded, but to show you, that how
full of the venom of sin soever you be, yet you may, by the hand of faith, lay
hold of, and dwell in the best room that belongs to the King's house
Chris. "I thought," said CHRISTIANA, "Of something of this; but I could not
imagine it all. I thought that we were like spiders, and that we looked like
ugly creatures, in what fine room soever we were; but that by this spider, this
venomous and ill favoured creature, we were to learn how to act faith, that came
not into my mind. And yet she has taken hold with her hands, as I see, and
dwells in the best room in the house. God has made nothing in vain."
they seemed all to be glad; but the water stood in their eyes. Yet they looked
one upon another, and also bowed before the INTERPRETER.
He had them then
into another room where was a hen and chickens, and bid them to observe awhile.
So one of the chickens went to the trough to drink; and every time she drank,
she lifted up her head and her eyes towards heaven. "See," said he, "what this
little chick doth; and learn of her to acknowledge whence your mercies come, by
receiving them with looking up. Yet again," said he, "observe and look." So they
gave heed, and perceived that the hen did walk in a fourfold method towards her
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!" Matthew 23:37
Inter. "Now," said he, "compare this hen to your King, and these chickens to
his obedient ones. For answerable to her, himself has his methods, which he
walks in towards his people. By his common call, he gives nothing; by his
special call, he always has something to give; he has also a brooding voice for
them that are under his wing; and he has an outcry, to give the alarm when he
sees the enemy come. I choose, my darlings, to lead you into the room where such
things are, because you are women, and they are easy for
"And, sir," said CHRISTIANA, "pray let us see some more."
So he had them
into the slaughter house, where a butcher was killing a sheep. And behold the
sheep was quiet, and took her death patiently. Then said the INTERPRETER, "You
must learn of this sheep to suffer and to put up wrongs without murmurings and
complaints. Behold how quietly she takes her death; and without objecting, she
suffers her skin to be pulled over her ears. Your King doth call you his
After this, he led them into his garden, where was great variety
of flowers. And he said, "Do you see all these?" So CHRISTIANA said, "Yes." Then
said he again, "Behold the flowers are divers in stature, in quality, in colour,
and smell, and virtue, and some are better than others. Also, where the gardener
has set them, there they stand; and quarrel not one with another."
he had them into his field, which he had sowed with wheat and corn; but when
they beheld, the tops of all were cut off, only the straw remained. He said
again, "This ground was dunged, and ploughed, and sowed; but what shall we do
with the crop?" Then said CHRISTIANA, "Burn some, and make muck of the rest."
Then said the INTERPRETER again, "Fruit you see, is that thing you look for; and
for want of that you condemn it to the fire, and to be trodden under foot of
men. Beware that in this you condemn not yourselves."
Then, as they were
coming in from abroad, they espied a little robin with a great spider in his
mouth. So the INTERPRETER said, "Look here." So they looked; and MERCY wondered.
But CHRISTIANA said, "What a disparagement is it to such a pretty little bird as
the robin redbreast is; he being also a bird above many, that loves to maintain
a kind of sociableness with man! I had thought they had lived upon crumbs of
bread, or upon other such harmless matter. I like him worse than I
The INTERPRETER then replied, "This robin is an emblem very apt to
set forth some professors by; for to sight they are as this robin, pretty of
note, colour, and carriage; they seem also to have a very great love for
professors that are sincere; and above all other, to desire to sociate with and
to be in their company, as if they could live upon the good man's crumbs. They
pretend also, that therefore it is that they frequent the house of the godly,
and the appointments of the Lord; but when they are by themselves as the robin,
they can catch and gobble up spiders, they can change their diet, drink
iniquity, and swallow down sin like water."
So when they were come again
into the house and supper as yet was not ready, CHRISTIANA again desired that
the INTERPRETER would either show or tell of some other things that are
Then the INTERPRETER began, and said, "The fatter the sow is,
the more she desires the mire; the fatter the ox is, the more gamesomely he goes
to the slaughter; and the more healthy the lusty man is, the more prone he is
unto evil.
"There is a desire in women to go neat and fine; and it's a
comely thing to be adorned with that which in God's sight is of great
"'Tis easier watching a night or two, than to sit up a whole year
together: so 'tis easier for one to begin to profess well, than to hold out as
he should to the end.
"Every shipmaster, when in a storm, will willingly
cast that overboard that is of the smallest value in the vessel. But who will
throw the best out first? none but he that fears not God.
"One leak will
sink a ship: and one sin will destroy a sinner.
"He that forgets his
friend, is ungrateful unto him: but he that forgets his Saviour, is unmerciful
to himself.
"He that lives in sin, and looks for happiness hereafter, is
like him that sows cockle, and thinks to fill his barn with wheat or
"If a man would live well, let him fetch his last day to him, and
make it always his company keeper.
"Whispering and change of thoughts,
prove that sin is in the world.
"If the world, which God sets light by,
is counted a thing of that worth with men; what is heaven, which God
"If the life that is attended with so many troubles is so loath
to be let go by us, what is the life above!
"Everybody will cry up the
goodness of men; but who is there that is, as he should be, affected with the
goodness of God?
"We seldom sit down to meat, but we eat and leave; so
there is in Jesus Christ more merit and righteousness than the whole world has
need of."
When the INTERPRETER had done, he takes them out into his
garden again, and had them to a tree, whose inside was all rotten and gone, and
yet it grew and had leaves. Then said MERCY, "What means this?" "This tree,"
said he, "whose outside is fair, and whose inside is rotten, it is to which many
may be compared that are in the garden of God; who, with their mouths, speak
high in behalf of God, but indeed will do nothing for him; whose leaves are
fair, but their heart good for nothing but to be tinder for the devil's
Supper with the Interpreterow supper was ready, the table spread, and all
things set on the board. So they sat down, and did eat, when one had given
thanks. And the INTERPRETER did usually entertain those that lodged with him
with music at meals; so the minstrels played. There was also one that did sing;
and a very fine voice he had.
His song was this:
"The Lord is only my support
And he that
doth me feed:
How can I, then want anything
Where of I stand in
When the song and music were ended, the INTERPRETER asked
CHRISTIANA what it was that at first did move her to betake herself to a
pilgrim's life?
CHRISTIANA answered, "First the loss of my husband came
into my mind, at which I was heartily grieved; but all that was but natural
affection. Then, after that, came the troubles and pilgrimage of my husband into
my mind; and also how like a churl I had carried it to him as to that. So guilt
took hold of my mind, and would have drawn me into the pond; but that
opportunely I had a dream of the wellbeing of my husband, and a letter sent me
by the King of that country where my husband dwells, to come to him. The dream
and the letter together so wrought upon my mind, that they forced me to this
But met you with no opposition afore you set out of doors?
Chris. Yes; a neighbour of mine,
one Mrs. TIMOROUS (she was akin to him that would have persuaded my husband to
go back for fear of the lions). She all-to-befooled me for--as she called it--my
intended desperate adventure. She also urged what she could to dishearten me to
it,--the hardship and troubles that my husband met with in the way, but all this
I got over pretty well. But a dream that I had, of two ill looking ones, that I
thought did plot how to make me miscarry in my journey, that hath troubled me
much; yea, it still runs in my mind, and makes me afraid of everyone that I
meet, lest they should meet me to do me a mischief, and to turn me out of the
way. Yea, I may tell my lord, though I would not have everybody know it, that
between this and the gate by which we got into the way, we were both so sorely
assaulted, that we were made to cry out "murder": and the two that made this
assault upon us were like the two that I saw in my dream.
Inter. Then said the
INTERPRETER, "Thy beginning is good; thy latter end shall greatly increase." So
he addressed himself to MERCY, and said unto her, "And what moved thee to come
hither, sweetheart?"
Then MERCY blushed and trembled; and for awhile
continued silent.
Inter. Then said he, "Be not afraid; only
believe, and speak thy mind."
Mer. So she began, and said, "Truly, sir, my
want of experience is that that makes me covet to be in silence; and that also
that fills me with fears of coming short at last. I cannot tell of visions and
dreams, as my friend CHRISTIANA can; nor know I what it is to mourn for my
refusing of the counsel of those that were good relations."
Inter. What was it, then, dear
heart, that hath prevailed with thee to do as thou hast
Why, when our friend here was packing up to be gone from our town, I and another
went accidentally to see her; so we knocked at the door and went in. When we
were within, and seeing what she was doing, we asked what was her meaning. She
said she was sent for to go to her husband; and then she up and told us how she
had seen him in a dream, dwelling in a curious place among immortals, wearing a
crown, playing upon a harp, eating and drinking at his Prince's table, and
singing praises to him for bringing him thither, etc. Now, methought while she
was telling these things unto us, my heart burned within me; and I said in my
heart, if this be true, I will leave my father and my mother, and the land of my
nativity, and will, if I may, go along with CHRISTIANA.
So I asked her
further of the truth of these things, and if she would let me go with her; for I
saw now that there was no dwelling, but with the danger of ruin, any longer in
our town. But yet I came away with a heavy heart; not for that I was unwilling
to come away, but for that so many of my relations were left behind. And I am
come with all the desire of my heart; and will go, if I may, with CHRISTIANA
unto her husband and his King.
Inter. Thy setting out is good; for thou hast
given credit to the truth. Thou art a Ruth; who did, for the love that she bore
to Naomi, and to the Lord her God, leave father and mother, and the land of her
nativity, to come out, and go with a people that she knew not heretofore. "The
Lord recompense thy work; and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of
Israel, under whose wings thou art come to truth".
Now supper was ended, and preparation was made for bed; the
women were laid singly alone, and the boys by themselves. Now when MERCY was in
bed, she could not sleep for joy, for that now her doubts of missing at last
were removed farther from her than ever they were before; so she lay blessing
and praising God, who had had such favour for her.
Cleaned, Sealed and Clothedn the morning they arose with the sun, and prepared
themselves for their departure; but the INTERPRETER would have them tarry
awhile, "For," said he, "you must orderly go from hence." Then said he to the
damsel that at first opened unto them, "Take them, and have them into the garden
to the bath; and there wash them, and make them clean from the soil which they
have gathered by travelling." Then INNOCENT, the damsel, took them, and had them
into the garden, and brought them to the bath; so she told them that there they
must wash and be clean, for so her master would have the women to do that called
at his house as they were going on pilgrimage. Then they went in and washed,
yea, they and the boys and all; and they came out of that bath, not only sweet
and clean, but also much enlivened and strengthened in their joints: so when
they came in, they looked fairer a deal than when they went out to the
When they were returned out of the garden from the bath, the
INTERPRETER took them, and looked upon them, and said unto them, "Fair as the
moon." Then he called for the seal wherewith they used to be sealed that were
washed in his bath. So the seal was brought, and he set his mark upon them, that
they might be known in the places whither they were yet to go. Now the seal was
the contents and sum of the Passover which the children of Israel did eat when
they came out from the land of Egypt,
and the mark was set between their eyes. This seal greatly
added to their beauty, for it was an ornament to their faces; it also added to
their gravity, and made their countenances more like those of
Then said the INTERPRETER again to the damsel that waited upon
these women, "Go into the vestry, and fetch out garments for these people." So
she went, and fetched out white raiment, and laid it down before him; so he
commanded them to put it on. It was fine linen, white and clean. When the women
were thus adorned, they seemed to be a terror one to the other; for that they
could not see that glory each one on herself which they could see in each other.
Now therefore, they began to esteem each other better than themselves; "For you
are fairer than I am," said one; "And you are more comely than I am," said
another. The children also stood amazed to see into what fashion they were